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园艺师(景观建筑)波士顿请访问http://www.linkedin.com/in/john-amodeo-073a238/“I love to design enduring projects that have high social value, while letting the people and the site inform the design. ”

约翰Amodeo LEED AP has over 30 years of experience in 景观建筑 and practices a wide range of project types from small to complex, 无论是在公共部门还是私营部门. 他的项目类型包括 学院和大学校园, parks, market and public housing, historic landscapes, 街景、自行车道和自然资源保护. He has also prepared landscape development guidelines for municipalities with particular emphasis on sustainable development.

John has extensive experience with public process and regulatory permitting, placing particular focus on consensus building in the early phases of a project.
自1997年以来, John has also been a Commissioner on the Boston Landmark Commission and the South End Landmark District Commission.

