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Arcadis AG平台的CurbIQ解决方案在北美和欧洲推出了两款新的路边管理软件

弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿县是华盛顿特区最大的主要城市之一.C. metropolitan area, and Dublin, the capital of the Republic of Ireland, 最新的两个市区是否使用CurbIQ实施路边管理项目, a modular software suite developed by Arcadis IBI Group Inc. 帮助城市更好地可视化、分析、改进和货币化其路边运营.


February 21, 2023

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– Arlington County, VA and Dublin, 爱尔兰最新的城市中心使用CurbIQ -实施路边管理计划

TORONTO, ON (February 21, 2023) – 弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿县是华盛顿特区最大的主要城市之一.C. metropolitan area, and Dublin, the capital of the Republic of Ireland, 两个最新实施路边管理项目的城市司法管辖区是否使用 CurbIQ, a modular software suite developed by Arcadis IBI Group Inc. 帮助城市更好地可视化、分析、改进和货币化其路边运营.

在阿灵顿县,阿卡迪斯IBI公司的CurbIQ团队与阿灵顿县和安大略省滑铁卢市合作.-based eleven-x, a global leader in providing comprehensive, high-performance, wireless IoT and smart city solutions, 在该县商业区内启动一项为期三年的基于传感器的街道停车项目.

With eleven-x providing its remote sensor technology for approximately 5,000 curbside parking spaces within Arlington County, CurbIQ团队已经部署了路边管理软件,允许县管理员动态审查, analyze, and approve parking rate changes in real time, 并通过移动友好的桌面平台向公众用户提供实时停车位可用性和价格信息.

阿灵顿县的系统利用了几个CurbIQ模块,旨在帮助城市和公众更好地了解他们的停车选择, but all curbside restrictions and mobility options around them. These modules include:

  • Curb Viewer,可直观显示指定区域内的所有实时停车需求和供应.
  • Curb Manager, easily manages and customizes curbside parking inventory by adding, removing, or modifying area-specific parking rules or rates through a simple, visual, and dynamic user interface.
  • Curb Analyzer, 提供关于如何在全国范围内指定路缘空间的见解,并提供访问可定制的信息,如停车供应, utilization, and demand.
  • Curb Rules API, is used for passing real-time parking supply, demand, and rate information between eleven-x sensors in the field, the CurbIQ platform and third-party payment providers.

Peter Richards, Product Director and co-creator of CurbIQ, 他说,与阿灵顿县合作的创新项目凸显了CurbIQ帮助城市“更好地了解”的优势, 衡量和管理他们的路边库存,并做出数据驱动的决策,以帮助最大限度地提高市政停车收入,同时为在其管辖范围内生活和经营的居民和企业提供最佳服务.”

“11 -x之所以选择Arcadis AG平台参与这个项目,是因为他们的数据处理和可扩展移动解决方案集成工具集的卓越质量,” Dan Mathers, CEO of eleven-x, said, “我们两家公司之间的合作努力,成功地在阿灵顿县实现了这一动态智能停车解决方案,这正是帮助城市在安全的情况下满足市政交通需求的预期精神, equitable, efficient, and environmentally sustainable way.”

Along the same lines, CurbIQ is being used to help launch the SENATOR Project in Dublin, Ireland, 目标是创建一个新的物流系统,以提高城市交通网络和资产的可持续性. Specifically, CurbIQ被用作一种软件工具,通过路边库存测绘和资源决策来优化交付,缓解交通拥堵和排放,这些决策可以整合到城市物流运营的规划中,并对城市朝着气候中和的未来发展产生积极影响.

“在阿灵顿县和都柏林这些令人兴奋的新路边管理项目是一个真实的迹象,表明我们在全球所有城市看到的兴趣增加,以更好地了解其宝贵的路边库存,以便更好地管理它们, monetized and optimized for everyone’s benefit with tools like CurbIQ,” said Richards.

欲了解更多信息和/或与AG平台联系,请联系Andrea Berry

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