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IBI Group completed the adaptive reuse of a 38-story, New York City commercial tower which was built in the 1920’s, into residential condominium units with several floors of amenities. 20松 Street illustrates the potential rebirth of a historic building into a new, contemporary home for New Yorkers and the social realignment of the financial district into a vital, 24/7的社区.

68万平方英尺 大小
409 单位

Originally built in the 1920’s as the headquarters for the predecessors of Chase Manhattan Bank, 20松 Street exemplifies pre-Depression era New York City high-rise construction. IBI Group completed the adaptive reuse of the 38-story commercial tower into over 400 units of housing, realigning the downtown financial district into a vital, 24/7的社区.

The design objective was to create modern, efficient residential dwellings while retaining the historic grandeur of the existing structure. 除了街道零售, the building contained six cellar levels, several of which contained historical bank vault areas. Amenity spaces now include a pool within one vault, 一个游戏室在另一个游戏室里, 屋顶甲板, 商务中心, 示范厨房和休息室, 一个图书馆, 体育馆, 还有瑜伽馆. The residential entry was also reoriented to face Pine Street, mimicking the original grand banking hall.

Designed in a style to accommodate the heritage of the building, 20松 Street illustrates the potential rebirth of a historic building as a new contemporary home for New Yorkers.

20松 street - the collection building exterior

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